How It Work
Healthy Soils for Healthy Plants for Healthy Humans…

Healthy Soils for Healthy Plants for Healthy Humans…

- Nutritional Benefits: The biostimulants play a pivotal role in enhancing the nutritional value of plants by
increasing the availability of essential minerals and producing beneficial compounds (fibers, vitamins,
polyphenols), contributing to improved overall health.

- Disease Prevention: A diverse and robust biostimulants act as a shield, preventing the transmission of
harmful pathogens to humans. Beneficial microorganisms colonizing plants can inhibit the growth and spread
of harmful bacteria and viruses.

- Biostimulants supports a sustainable and environmentally friendly food production system.

Harnessing the Power of Synergy…

Harnessing the Power of Synergy…

Biostimulants work in harmony with nature to enhance both plant and human health, improve food quality,
and boost crop yields. Crafting products that mimic these natural processes necessitates a deep
understanding of how microbes interact.

Illumina Spotlights Prof. Sharon Doty's Groundbreaking Research on Synergistic Power

Embracing AI and Machine Learning for Transformation

Embracing AI and Machine Learning for Transformation

The application of cutting-edge machine learning and AI approaches empowers us to construct tailored solutions through the systematic recombination of microbial and non-microbial components and environmental factors. This approach allows us to address climate change, foster long-term climate resilience, and advance:
☀️ Climate-Sustainable Agriculture
🌱 Natural Resource Management
⏲️ Disaster Risk Reduction

Unveiling Insights through Massive Data Sets

Unveiling Insights through Massive Data Sets

Through the meticulous observation of each constructed solution, we discern the key elements - microbes, substances, by-products, prebiotics, and postbiotics - that drive the beneficial traits.

Exploring New Horizons with Accessible Products

Exploring New Horizons with Accessible Products

The possibilities within our grasp are boundless, inspiring us to collaborate with biotech co-discovery partners to embark on a new era of biostimulant research.
Together, we unlock a treasure trove of products, encompassing both microbe-based and non-microbe-based innovations.